Friday, September 28, 2007

Chuck E. Cheese

We haven't seen Uncle Trey and Aunt Heather in a while. We also haven't taken Jordan to Chuck E. Cheese's...ever! So, Heather suggested we give it a whirl. I was really curious to see how it would go. The last few times we've tried ride-type things that involve motion, it hasn't gone all that well.

We ate first and the pizza was surprisingly not that bad. I won't say it was great, but it wasn't that bad! Jordan just stared and took everything in while eating her pizza. By the way, we've all been eating it wrong with the toppings facing up. Each and every bite she took was with the crust up! :)

Eventually, she wanted to explore. Heather and I chased her around the toddler section for a while. Then she rode in this seat that moves around in a big circle sort of like a Ferris wheel for 1. After Trey and Kenneth finished eating we gave them all the tokens and let them run around with her so we could finish eating. We didn't get enough tickets from the various games (mainly Skee Ball) to really amount to much, so we are going to save them and the numerous tokens we still have for another trip!

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