Sunday, January 27, 2008

an afternoon with Mita and Papa!

I have to be at work this afternoon and evening and although the nursery is open, I will be there before anyone gets there and after they leave. With Kenneth being sick, I didn't want him to be dealing with Jordan by himself. Thankfully, Mita and Papa were happy to answer the call to come down and help entertain. Jordan was in a great mood and (as usual) enjoyed being the center of attention!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Daddy's not feeling so good...

Kenneth came home yesterday and went straight to the bed. Jordan and I left him there today to go to Zoo "school" aka Zoo Tots! The zoo offers programs for certain age groups periodically and this one was about how animals move..."Hop, Walk and Crawl". Given Jordan's love for hopping and jumping, we figured this would be right up her alley! We also met Joy and Brooklynn there and it was nice to hang out with them, too...

One of the highlights of zoo school is seeing what animals they bring out to share with the kids. When the first ones came out, I was really missing the fact that Kenneth wasn't there! Madagascar hissing cockroaches! Yuck! Joy and Brooklynn happily pet them and I was thrilled that Jordan wanted nothing to do with them. I don't even look at their box in the reptile house--which is hard because it's right at my eye level and Jordan likes to look in each box, of course! The second animal was not a problem--a black rat snake. I'll take snakes over bugs and spiders any day of the week! Jordan did enjoy touching the snake...

We ran through the zoo (literally, to keep up with Brooklynn!) and had a chance to see the new lion and giraffe exhibit. Somehow we managed to avoid the crisis of not going to the playground and stopped by the store to get some soup for Kenneth. Jordan's compassionate side is really showing more and more. She was very concerned that "Daddy not feel so good?" and happily helped me carry the tray and soup up to him when we got home. In an effort to put as much distance between whatever is wrong with Kenneth (high fever, cough, generally zapped), Jordan and I met Nana and Papa Carroll for dinner and came home just in time to go to bed. Feel better soon, Daddy!

Friday, January 25, 2008

another dry day!

Woo hoo! I was so excited to get to Augusta Road this afternoon and find Jordan in the same pair of underwear that she was wearing when I dropped her off! I just can't believe that we're 2 days in a row of being dry...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

big girl underwear!

It has been a big week in the Manning house because Jordan's decided it's time to wear underwear! She doesn't want to call them panties, though, and is quick to tell you that! Monday was a holiday for Martin Luther King day and we did have a couple of errands to run. Jordan made it all day in underwear with no accidents! She's still sleeping in diapers, so her nap doesn't count, but I was so excited that she was consistently telling us that she needed to go.

Tuesday morning we went to school in underwear. She did have one accident, but she was at least trying to get to the potty. "A" for effort, I'd say!

Wednesday she wore underwear again and had just one accident while they were playing in the gym.

Today when we went to pick her up, imagine my surprise when she was in the same pair of underwear that we went to school in! Except for her nap, she was in underwear all day with no accidents! Yay!! Let's see what tomorrow will bring!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

random musings...

Tonight we ate dinner at Doc Chey' of our favorite places to eat! We got situated in our booth and the server came to take our drink order. I ordered water for Jordan. She stopped mid-wiggle in her booster seat, looked at me and said "I do NOT want water. I want MILK!", just as plain as you please! We all got a good laugh out of that one.

I think tonight was one of the first times that they brought "training" chopsticks to the table. You know, they have the rubber band at the top? So, we gave Jordan those and tried our hand at using them, too. Jordan did so well with them! She quickly learned that the more she had on her plate, the easier it was to use them. It was the quietest she's ever eaten there and probably the first time that we debated not getting her leftovers to go! The server even gave us an extra set of training sticks to take home!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Today was a snow day from school because of the snow that fell last night. By this morning it was raining, but we still had to go play in it!

And, what's a girl to do when she wants to wear her Crocs in the snow? Her Mommy and Daddy put newspaper bags over her feet before putting Crocs on, of course...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Santa hat in January?

Jordan's Christmas dress had a precious Santa hat to match it. Would she put it on Christmas Day when she was actually wearing the dress?!? Of course not! Give her a little over two weeks, though, and she'll happily don that thing!

Monday, January 07, 2008

feeding Jazmyn

I'm glad that Jazmyn is so easy going and always has that smile on her face! Jordan fed her acorns for dinner tonight...whole acorns and acorns in her bottle!

Friday, January 04, 2008

belated Christmas

We are so excited to have Christmas even after Christmas is over tonight! Jordan's Mimi Patty brought her Christmas present by to me today, so it just didn't seem right to wait until tomorrow to open them!! As always, Mimi got it just right and got Jordan the best accessories to go with her Jazmyn...

Thursday, January 03, 2008

My first taco!

I guess Kenneth and I have just thought that Jordan eating tacos would take more coordination than she had and just end up frustrated. We are quickly learning that she is much more capable than we give her credit for! Hopefully she'll forgive us for that...

She thoroughly enjoyed her taco. Note the serious expression and the yogurt moustache! :)