Wednesday, March 22, 2006

presents are good!

A couple of weeks ago, Jordan and I went to lunch with one of the residents from the apartment community where I used to work. She is SO sweet and thoughtful. She had given Jordan a precious pink turtleneck as well as some pajamas. The weather had been so hit or miss that I wasn't sure she'd be able to wear the turtleneck. Sure enough, it got cold again (surprise!), so we were happy to wear it and show off the cute fairy on the neck. It is just the softest material and fits so well! Thank you, Mrs. Egic!! :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

a week of firsts

So this week has been a busy one with lots of "firsts"! It seems like each time I wanted to update the blog, something else happened, so I figured I would just sum up the week in one shot...

Sunday--Jordan's first fever. It was only 100.4, but I was concerned. The Christie Group said not to be, but that's easier said than done! We stayed home from church and just laid low. Her temp was back to normal by bedtime Sunday night. Who knows what it was--she still has no teeth.

Tuesday--Jordan decided today that crawling was just not enough. She pulled up to standing! Yikes...I am SOOO not ready for walking. I just keep telling her to sit down! :)

Wednesday--Jordan ate chicken today. One of her friends at school shared her chicken strips at lunch and she loved it! Kenneth brought Chik Fil A for dinner and she loved that, too. But, who doesn't love CFA??!!

Thursday--Jordan's first ear infection! I remembered someone telling me that one way to know if your child has an ear infection is if they are just not the same child that you know and love. Well, that was the only indication I had as Jordan pretty much fussed and cried all day! Teachers all up and down the hall asked me what was wrong since she was so not like herself. Luckily, Dr. Anderson set my mind at ease and we started our antibiotic tonight!

Tonight was also Jordan's first hair cut!! She had a dual rat tail in the back, so it really was time to get a trim. We went to Jelly Beans on E. North and they were great! I have a certificate with a little lock of her hair and we got lots of great pictures, too. There are some before and after shots. It's cut like a bob in the back. She just trimmed up the sides and evened things out for us.

Here's the finished product!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

a night at Nanna's

Kenneth and I have needed to do some decluttering for a while now. My Mom was delighted to oblige us and keep Jordan Friday night and the majority of Saturday so that we could work a little more efficiently. We made good progress and did some necessary baby proofing as well. Jordan has a little play room downstairs now, too! When we're home and awake, we spend most of our time downstairs, so it just didn't make much sense to keep all of her stuff in the nursery. Anyway, it's a nice change of mental pace to have the downstairs sort of opened up.

Kenneth's parents stopped by this afternoon as well. We all hung out for a little while before it was time to put Junebug to bed!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

growing too fast!

Jordan is no longer in her infant carrier in the car. We installed her "big girl" car seat today. It was a little tricky, but Kenneth finally got it all figured out. It's very roomy and she seems to be pretty comfortable in it. I will miss the convenience of being able to pick up and go even if she is asleep...oh well!

Friday, March 03, 2006

a day for Mommy!

Today was the first day that Jordan went to school without Mommy! Dad gave me a gift certificate to the Spa at West End and I decided it was high time I put it to good use. I had a massage and a facial. There was even enough time for me to get my toes done!! Jordan had a good day at school and I can't wait to be able to do this again! :)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

It's official!

Jordan is a crawler! She has been SOOOO close over the last few days to crawling. She would get on her knees and reach for something and then either lay on her belly or go back to sitting. After lunch she was doing more of the same but looked like she actually realized that if she moved her knees, she would propel herself. Tonight we were playing with some friends at church and the next thing you know, she is just crawling! I couldn't believe it! Thankfully, I caught Kenneth just as he was leaving work, so he was able to come by and see her make a little progress. She had a hard time getting to sleep tonight. I imagine the next few days and nights are going to be pretty interesting as she gets this whole crawling thing perfected!