Saturday, November 26, 2005

Great Grandma came to see me!

OK, so she didn't come all the way up from Floriday ONLY to see Jordan, but none the less, my mom's mom is here to visit. As I was getting the pictures together, I realized that we have no face shots of Jordan with Grandma--I'll have to work on that!

Anyway, Jordan got to hang out with Nanna and Grandma after Thanksgiving dinner while Kenneth, Trey and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie. Then Jordan and I went to Nanna's house today to visit for a while (Kenneth stayed home and worked on his car). We all took lots of pictures and just played and played. I'm so glad that Jordan is fairly agreeable and doesn't mind other people holding her. She only really looks for me when she's tired or hungry.

This picture is a prime example of some of the great shots we got. Not sure if she's talking, yawning, ?!?!?! :)

As you know, we have been eating rice cereal for the last couple of weeks. Today we decided to try some fruits as well. The first selection was bananas served this morning. I only tried a few spoonfuls because I wasn't sure how she'd react. She did surprisingly well and the face she made was really funny as she tried to figure out what was in her mouth since it wasn't milk or rice cereal! I can't believe my little girl is eating food!?!

Monday, November 21, 2005

visit at the Manning's

Kenneth is taking vacation this week and while we don't have any real "plans", it will be nice to have him around! We have been missing out on opportunities to visit with his parents, so we went to Rock Hill today to see them. Unfortunately, Kenneth's dad had to work, so we only got to see him for a little bit after work, but he held Jordan for the first time! I was able to sneak a few pictures before the moment ended...

Saturday, November 12, 2005

sitting up?

We have been watching Jordan doing "crunches" and really wanting to sit up. She just couldn't quite get it down. The first time that I really noticed Jordan trying to sit on her own was Thursday, November 3rd. But, it was only for a few seconds and I didn't have the camera handy. However, that did not keep me from crying about the fact that my little girl is getting so big! But, over the last few days, she's gotten much better! She can sit up for close to a minute. I can tell that she is trying to balance herself when she starts to lean too far to one side. When she corrects, sometimes she overshoots and topples to the other side instead.
But, I just can't believe that she is 5 months and 4 days old...and sitting (sort of!)! Time is just flying by--next thing you know, she'll be asking for a car! Yikes...what a scary thought!

Since Jordan loves her Daddy so much, she really wants to be like him and drink out of his bottle of IBC Black Cherry Soda. It's hard to see the bottle at first since it's clear, but she is holding it with both hands. I think this might also mean that she's ready to try a cup. How much fun will that be! :)

By the way, we are at a friend's house watching the Clemson/Florida State game--hence all the orange you see!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

open wide!

Jordan tried rice cereal for the first time tonight! As to be expected, she rolled the first few bites out with her tongue, but by the end of it, she was opening her mouth when the spoon was presented. She's such a smart girl to know how to do that already! Hard to say if she liked it or not as there were only a few bites involved, but it was a good start on the road to solid foods!

She is still a little small for her high chair. We left the actual food tray off of it because it comes to just underneath her chin currently! It's just one less thing to have to clean off the way I see it!

Jordan also really enjoys the dogs--she is usually very intrigued watching them go by. Sometimes she gets some kisses, too! By the time I had grabbed the camera for this shot, Mackenzie had already laid down, but initially she was standing right beside the jumperoo just looking at Jordan while she was trying to reach out and "pet" her. I think Mack likes Jordan, too!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Why am I wearing a hat that says Miami?

We went to visit the Manning's today. They have this thing for a team that wears orange (yay!) and green (not so sure!) in Florida. Jordan was a good sport and wore her Miami hat even though she and Mommy were covered in Clemson attire! And it was a great day all around since both of our teams won!