Friday, November 24, 2006

more turkey!!

Because we didn't eat enough turkey yesterday, we decided to do Thanksgiving again today! Seriously, my Dad (Pop) flew in yesterday and my brother and sister-in-law were down in GA, so we did a repeat today. Heather cooked up a storm and everything was delicious. Grammy (my grandmother) and Pop brought over some bubbles for Jordan and she kept everyone busy with them. She just wants to do everything on her own, so she wanted to dip the wand in and blow bubbles. Only problem was that she put it right on her mouth, so when she did blow there was rarely any bubble stuff left with which to make bubbles. It was fun for her all the same and I think Grammy and Pop didn't mind helping her "blow" bubbles anyway!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

We went to Rock Hill to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Manning's today. Traffic was not bad at all, so we made it in regular time and Jordan slept about an hour during the ride. The food was wonderful, but it was more fun to see Jordan follow Nathan around wanting to do everything he did...outside, play with the ball, play with the Legos, etc. And Nathan ate it up! He didn't seem to mind too much even though I think he was a little disappointed when she took some of his Lego creations apart. They hugged on each other, though and really seemed to enjoy each other's company...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

monkey see, monkey do!

Tonight we ate dinner at Doc Chey's (yummy Asian food!). They bring chopsticks along with the silverware and also bring "beginner" sticks for the kids. Jordan loves the rice, but was having a hard time getting rice into her mouth from her hand without most of it ending up on her. I broke out the chopsticks to see if that would be any better. She loved eating anything I put on them. She also took the plastic straw out of her milk and made her own chopsticks! She wasn't very successful getting any food on them because one was a lot shorter than the other, but it was entertaining to watch her try!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

visit with the Manning's

Yesterday was Tio Chanchi's birthday, so we went to Rock Hill today to visit with everyone. Jordan was in a good mood, despite only sleeping 40 minutes on the way there (she refuses to sleep in RH, so we don't even bother trying!). The Manning men enjoyed a strangely modified game of kick ball and Jordan hung right in there with them. She had a great time carrying around her small orange ball and trying to keep up with Nathan. Tio Chanchi started to make friends with Jordan (even though this picture doesn't really show it!) as he gave her a demo cell phone to play with during her visit.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

yet another ear infection!

I noticed yesterday afternoon Jordan seemed a touch out of sorts, but I didn't really pay that much attention because I figured she was just tired or hungry, but didn't really want to sleep or eat--the usual stuff. Well, this afternoon she was running a temperature and her teachers at school said she wasn't quite herself. She was a little more clingy and needy than usual. Kenneth and I had already talked about taking her to the ped. to check her ears, so I called when they opened after lunch. We were able to get an appt. right after school with our favorite doctor, so we took off! And even though she has a cough, her lungs sound clear but there is an ear infectino brewing in her right ear. Thankfully, our favorite doctor had antibiotic in his closet, so I didn't even have to go to the drug store! Woo hoo!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

a chapter ends

So, it's been an interesting week! Kenneth wasn't feeling the best starting Sunday until Tuesday night. Jordan spent the night with her Nana Monday night because I went to Atlanta for work. Because Kenneth was still in and out of the bathroom, J stayed an extra night at Nana's because I didn't get home until 10ish. I drove to Mom's this morning to pick her up, go to school and try to get her routine back in place. It's nice to have her back in her bed tonight!

There are many varying opinions in the world about nursing and I would venture to say that how long one chooses to nurse is probably the most controversial topic. If this subject is bothersome to you, I would stop reading now! :) You see, I have been thinking for a while that J might be ready to give up her morning nursing session. She seemed pretty uninterested Monday morning. With her being gone 2 mornings in a row, I figured I could use today as the real test. As I was changing her diaper, she asked (signed) to eat. I didn't even ask her if she wanted to nurse because it was obviously not the first thing on her mind. The good news is that I'm not the least bit engorged even though she hasnt nursed in 3 days. The bad news is that I'm a little sad. But, considering today is her 17 month birthday, I am pretty proud of what I consider a great accomplishment!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

a side note about Kenneth

The last couple of weeks have been crazier than normal. Kenneth has been diagnosed with a Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clot) behind his knee. His leg had been bothering him for about a week before he went to the doctor. Bothering him is actually an understatement--he wasn't comfortable doing much of anything. She took one look and sent him for an ultrasound which confirmed the DVT. The initial treatment is shots of an anti-coagulant in the stomach and a blood thinner (orally) once a day. And, be careful what you eat (Vitamin K interferes w/ the blood thinner) and if you feel short of breath, get to the hospital because the clot might have moved to your lungs and could kill you--is what they sent us home with! It was a VERY stressful and confusing weekend. The next Monday we went back to his regular doctor with a long list of questions about what in the heck was going on. The most important thing we learned was that he wasn't going to just fall out and die! The density of his blood has to be checked each week until it is within a certain level.

The following appointment Kenneth learned that there was nothing he could have done to prevent the clot. He has 2 genetic factors that make him prone to clotting. One of those factors has to come from both parents! Jordan has to be tested at 13 to see if she's inherited something, too. Aren't we the lucky ones!?

Thankfully, all is well now. After 2 1/2 weeks of shots, the levels have evened out and he doesn't have to go back for another month. He will stay on the Coumadin for the rest of his life, but that's better than the risk of another clot!