Saturday, December 30, 2006

our first trip to the zoo!

Don't you hate it when you plan to do something and you're really excited about it and then the weather stinks? I'm embarassed to say that we have yet to go to the zoo with Jordan. We decided we would go and the weather forecast was to be clear and mostly sunny. Needless to say, I was so bummed when we woke up this morning and it had rained. Surprisingly, Kenneth said we should go anyway, so off we went. We weren't the only people there, though, and it only misted for a few minutes the whole time we were there. And, I don't know if it was the weather or what, but Jordan didn't really seem to get into the whole zoo thing. We talk a lot about a number of the animals that we saw, but she didn't seem to care much...

And, when she did perk up and seem interested in the chickens, the camera wouldn't take any pictures--imagine that! :)

Friday, December 29, 2006

Can Ash wear my shoes?

It is next to impossible to get good pictures of Jordan and the dogs. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, if you move in the least, the moment is disrupted and the would-be subjects of your photo wonder what you are doing and totally lose interest in what they were doing. Second, when the camera comes out, the would-be subjects want to look at and touch the camera and totally lose interest in what they were doing. Third, our camera is temperamental at best, so it's not always going to come on when you want it to do so.

Lo and behold, not only was there a cute moment with Jordan and Ash, but I was able to take some pictures of it!! Jordan was playing with her shoes and I guess wanted to figure out if Ash could wear them, too. She sat in his "lap" and moved his legs all around while trying to finagle that shoe on his paw!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas tree pictures

So, after all that drama of trying to get the "perfect" Christmas tree picture for cards, I ended up using a picture from our Portrait Innovations session. I really thought those cards were going to go out with no picture and the front would just read "Insert photo here"! Of course, I could have just sent them out as Happy New Year cards because as Christmas Day was winding down, we were able to get not only a family shot, but also a picture of Jordan in front of the tree. Isn't that the way it always is?!?!

Merry Christmas, part 3!

The next visitors were the Manning's. Nathan was happy to know that the dogs would be out on the porch for the duration of his visit. They don't have a great history! Jordan seemed happy that Nathan was there, though. They even sat nicely for a picture.

Then, I think Jordan decided she'd had enough. Nathan was really getting into the picture thing and wanted to pose with his cousin for multiple shots. Jordan didn't. (Note the strong arm!)

Jordan ended the day just as it had started...'nacking all the way! She really liked the Li'l Smokies, but preferably off of a toothpick from Tio Chanchi!
Thank you, Grandma and Papa for the storage bins for all of Jordan's stuff! It couldn't have come at a better time! :)

Merry Christmas, part 2!

After Pop and Grammy left, Jordan went down for a nap and the dogs came in for a visit, too. They were pooped from pacing the porch all morning, so they promptly passed out in the floor.

I wanted to illustrate Jordan's present opening technique. One of us would have to get the paper started because she had a hard time seeing where the "seam" was. Then she would tear a piece of it off and turn to whoever was in the recliner and give it to them. It didn't really matter who was sitting there, but that person was the designated paper collector. This worked pretty well except the paper size was a touch small...
Nana and Papa Carroll arrived while Jordan was still sleeping. We visited for a while and Nana was happy to bound up the stairs to retrieve the Peanut when she woke up! After opening presents and stockings, we sent a video e-mail to the family in Florida. Jordan has yet to put it on her head, but thanks to Nana for the cool hat she knitted!!

Merry Christmas, part 1!

Christmas Day occurred for us in 3 different stages. Each wave was celebrated with different parts of the family. The dogs were the only losers in this event because they were relegated to the porch. Poor babies couldn't even go outside (nor did they want to) because it was raining for most of the day!

Pop and Grammy came over first. Grammy didn't even get in the door before she wanted Jordan to start opening presents. We finally got her to at least let everyone get a seat before we began the festivities. Auntee Cheryl was with us in spirit as she was not able to travel down from NY. Jordan got a great introduction to the world of Dr. Seuss with some books and stuffed animals. Grammy set the tone of the day by giving her a box of raisins. She commenced to "nack" (snack) ALL day long!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

ice cream!

I had to do some last minute running around for Christmas and decided to bring home a treat! Kenneth loves cookie dough ice cream and Jordan really wanted a bite, so Daddy shared...

Jordan is a lover now, too!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

trip to NJ

We had a big day today! It started at 4:30 when I got Jordan out of bed and into the car to go to the airport. What would possess me to do such a thing, you ask?!? Well, you'd actually have to take that up with Jordan's Nana! She got a great deal on some air travel to New Jersey for the day (yes, one, single day) to see her Dad and his family. None of us have been up there in years, so it was time for a visit. The whole trip was a Christmas surprise. Mom and I didn't finalize plans until Monday afternoon and Rob and his family were the only people in NJ to know we were coming! I think we make for a pretty good present!

Jordan behaved really well, all things considered. We had a short layover in Charlotte and she slept for a few minutes on our flight to Newark. Uncle Rob picked us up and had Madagascar playing for Jordan's viewing pleasure for the ride to Poppy's house. She was fun and interested at Poppy's and really took to everyone as if they were not people she'd never met!

Poppy, Pat and Rob all got to hold Jordan as she made her way around the room. Of course, Nana is always a hit, so if in doubt, to Nana she went! She did sit still long enough to read a book or 2 and play with Nana's water bottle.

Megan and Matthew got out of school early to bring lunch over and visit. They brought Jordan a baby doll and a stuffed puppy, too! Jordan really enjoyed going outside and all around the yard with Megan's help.

After about 4 hours, we got in the car and headed back to the airport. The trip home is not worth writing about because of lack of sleep on all sides. :)
Let's just say we made it home safely and it was all worth it although I'm looking forward to not travelling any great distance any time soon...

Friday, December 15, 2006

a priss pot in the making?

Jordan is always the first friend to arrive in her room at school. I have to be in my room to receive babies, so Jordan gets to hang out with her teachers. I like to hang out for a few minutes to chat with the teachers because I don't get to do that much any other time during the day. Her teachers usually bring Jordan to me in the afternoons because they are ready to go and I still have moms chatting about the day. But, I think that's the difference in infant moms and toddler moms--much more to talk about with infants because they are changing practically every day!

Anyway, Miss Tiffany was telling me this morning about an incident on the slide in their room earlier this week. Apparently, Jordan fell going up the steps and Tiffany was on her way to her anticipating the meltdown that seemed to be looming. Instead of crying, Jordan stood up, looked around and said, "Bow, bow?!?", seemingly distressed because her hair bow had fallen out when she fell! Yep, she's a girl... :)

Monday, December 11, 2006

18 month well check

We went back to the doctor today. Jordan was in a surprisingly good mood considering I had to wake her up from her nap to go. Doc thinks she is right on track and maybe a little ahead with language and fine motor development. She has about a 30 word vocabulary (average is 15-25), knows 7 signs and can feed herself yogurt (and a few other things) from a spoon. He is thinking that she might be around 5'10" tall, but they'll check that again at 2 years. She is currently 33" tall (86th %ile) and weighs 25 lbs., 9.6 oz. (69th %ile). He said to expect that between now and 2 for her to become picky with what she eats and that she will become more and more defiant as she tests her limits. I'm not sure she can really be too much pickier, but as long as she eats a little at each meal time and a couple of snacks in between, we'll be all right. In terms of testing the waters, I like what he said...Pick your battles carefully, but win the battles you pick.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

still in search of a tree picture

I am really wanting a picture of Jordan in front of the tree for our Christmas cards. Time is running short and these cards may turn out to be Happy New Year's cards instead of Merry Christmas cards--everyone please make note in case you don't get your card anytime soon! :)

In the perfect world, Mackenzie and Ash would be sitting on either side of Jordan in front of said tree, but I'm not sure that's going to happen...
I guess I can settle for sweet moments like these, but I'm not sure this is what folks want in their Christmas card!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

the tree is up!

Our Christmas tree went up this weekend. It's been fun to watch Jordan explore the tree, look at the lights and peek at ornaments. I thought it would be a great time to get a "tree picture" worthy of going in our Christmas cards. If I wanted a picture of the back of her head, we would have had no problem. But, playing with Daddy was more fun!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Home alone with daddy!

I was out this afternoon, so Jordan was home with Daddy. This is really not an uncommon occurrence since Kenneth picks Jordan up on his way home on Wednesday nights, but this afternoon was special...and captured on film! :)
Apparently when I'm not home, Jordan eats wherever she wants, her hair is out of control and she doesn't behave much like a lady!