Sunday, June 22, 2008

first lake trip of the summer

Yesterday morning we drove Jordan to the lake. We hung out with some friends last night and my Grandma is up from Florida, so it seems like a great time for a visit!

There were some interesting things about this visit...first off it's been a year since Jordan's been to the lake, so I knew there would be a little bit of a learning curve as she figured out what she could and couldn't do. Next, Jordan is (day time) potty trained, so needing to go to the potty on the boat would probably be interesting. (Ask me about this if you're curious...I won't go into detail here!) And last but not least, since she has been sleeping in her toddler bed at home, we had to tackle the new bed hurdle!

The bed was definitely the biggest challenge. Jordan did not take a nap and didn't get to bed until late. We made up the bed and put the bed rail on before Kenneth and I left, but she would have nothing to do with it! She ended up sleeping in the OTHER twin bed in the room and without the bed rail. She wouldn't let Mom put pillows down on the floor beside the bed to cushion a fall, either. So Mom went back in after she fell asleep and put the pillows down...which were needed because she did fall out of the bed!

I met everyone for lunch today and got to hear all about the rules on the boat and Papa Carroll's new name..."Captain"! It is difficult to explain how happy Kenneth and I are to have such great friends and family who love our girl! :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

I must brag for a moment about how proud I am of myself for keeping Kenneth's Father's Day present a secret until today!!! I couldn't think of what to do and a co-worker suggested a Greenville Drive baseball game. This was about a month ago and we hadn't been yet so I thought it was a pretty good plan. I knew that Kenneth would want to see his Dad, so I called the Manning's to see if they wanted in on the plan...thankfully they did!

Kenneth always sleeps in on Sundays since Jordan and I go to church, so I didn't want to make breakfast or anything so that he could just go right back to sleep when we left. For some reason, Jordan didn't wake up on the best side of the bed so she wouldn't so much as give Kenneth his card not to mention a hug or kiss for such a special day!

Anyway, Kenneth opened Jordan's card first and it had our 3 tickets to the baseball game. Then he opened my card which had the 4 tickets for his family. Kenneth had been talking about wanting to see his Dad, so I had called his Mom to make sure she would cover for all of us!

The game started at 4 and although it was warm (spelled H-O-T!) we all had a great time and made it to the end to see the winning hit! And, I just want the record to reflect that we did not leave my Dad out! He was in town last weekend for Jordan's birthday, so we went out and celebrated an early Father's Day with him...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

3rd birthday

The birthday party pictures are up (scroll down the page almost at the bottom)! I will do my best to come back soon and fill in some of the gaps that are missing in the blog...I can't believe how far behind I am!?!?!


Saturday, June 07, 2008

a cute birthday moment!

While we were opening cards and presents today, one of the cards had a check in it. Without missing a beat, Jordan held it up and proudly announced "This is for the bank!" What can we say...we've taught her well!
