Saturday, February 18, 2006


Today I went to Charlotte for a baby shower for my college roommate, Katy. They are adopting a cutie little boy from Guatemala. Hurry up adoption process!!

My only "job" as one of the hostesses was to record the shower gifts for Katy. As requested, I left detailed instructions with Kenneth about eating and napping. He really has it pretty much figured out, it's just the what to eat part that can be frustrating when she's fussing! Anyway, as Katy is opening her 2nd present, my phone rings. If it was someone other than Kenneth, I would have sent it to voicemail. Since it was Kenneth, I excused myself and hurried to another room. Turns out that instead of saying "mamammamamamammmamama", Jordan was saying "mama"! Of course I was happy about this great event, but Kenneth wasn't convinced. I had to call him on the way home and apologize for not seeming more intrigued and thank him for calling!

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