Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Time for a new food! Jordan had broccoli today and really seemed to like it. The funnier part (at least to me!) is the way in which she ate it. You know I had started making baby food for Jordan and broccoli was one of the ones I made. She has also not been real keen on eating stuff unless she can put it in her own mouth. So, I thought I would leave the cube of broccoli still pretty frozen and give her little chunks of it to self feed. (I got that idea from how she liked eating snow cone ice the day the snow cone machine came to school!) Anyway...she tried to pick up the chunks of "ice", but I ended up putting the on the spoon and she just ate it right up! It was really too crazy!

The pictures from today are from a visit from Grandma and Grandpa (Manning). They had some business in Greenville today and came by to see is afterward. Of course, she slept the longest she has in a while and made them wait an hour before her grand appearance! It was a nice visit, though...

And Daddy took Jordan home tonight from church. It was my night to work late at the nursery, so in an effort to protect the night time routine, Kenneth came and picked her up so that she could get in bed on time. They had a nice evening and even though he wouldn't give her a bath, it was still nice to know that she was going to be able to get to bed at her usual time.

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