The last couple of weeks have been crazier than normal. Kenneth has been diagnosed with a Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clot) behind his knee. His leg had been bothering him for about a week before he went to the doctor. Bothering him is actually an understatement--he wasn't comfortable doing much of anything. She took one look and sent him for an ultrasound which confirmed the DVT. The initial treatment is shots of an anti-coagulant in the stomach and a blood thinner (orally) once a day. And, be careful what you eat (Vitamin K interferes w/ the blood thinner) and if you feel short of breath, get to the hospital because the clot might have moved to your lungs and could kill you--is what they sent us home with! It was a VERY stressful and confusing weekend. The next Monday we went back to his regular doctor with a long list of questions about what in the heck was going on. The most important thing we learned was that he wasn't going to just fall out and die! The density of his blood has to be checked each week until it is within a certain level.
The following appointment Kenneth learned that there was nothing he could have done to prevent the clot. He has 2 genetic factors that make him prone to clotting. One of those factors has to come from both parents! Jordan has to be tested at 13 to see if she's inherited something, too. Aren't we the lucky ones!?
Thankfully, all is well now. After 2 1/2 weeks of shots, the levels have evened out and he doesn't have to go back for another month. He will stay on the Coumadin for the rest of his life, but that's better than the risk of another clot!